Neosense Features
Neosense is bursting with features
HTML 5 & CSS 3 Neosense supports the latest HTML 5 en CSS 3 revisions. Your website will be modern and ready for the future. |
Full Code Access Advanced users can access the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL files. As a full member, you will receive the source code. |
Bootstrap 3 Neosense supports the most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
jQuery Neosense supports the fast, small, and feature-rich Javascript library. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript. |
W3C Validation Neosense exports W3C valid HTML and CSS. Within Neosense you can validate the source code of each page individually. |
Code Fields When technical extensions are desired. Neosense provides Code Fields with syntax highlighting for entering and editing HTML, CSS and JavaScript. |